DIY Wet Swiffer Cloths
One thing I love about our house is that there's no carpet, which means no vacuuming. Hallelujah. As luck would have it, Geoff loves sweeping! However, with two dogs and two people tromping in and out of the yard multiple times each day during the wettest winter Seattle has had in years, well, that makes for some pretty disgusting floors.
So sweeping alone is not enough. In the past I've found wet swiffers work really well getting grime and dirt up, but at the rate we have to clean, we go through big packs of the disposable cloths in no time, which makes for a lot of money and a lot of trash. After doing a little searching online, I found people have found a perfect substitute: socks! Not just any socks, those fuzzy sleep socks
With some trial and error, I've found a good mix for our wood and tile floors:
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/3 cup water
4-8 drops castille soap (4-5 drops is fine for most rooms, but places like the stairs that get extra dirty I up it to 7-8)
Mix water and vinegar in a small container, then add castille soap. The soap will seize up a little bit, but just use a fork to mix it in.
Place the sock in the container and press it into the solution to soak it up; make sure to get all sides and surfaces in the solution so there are no dry patches. Depending on the size of your sock you might need more or less. You want the soak fully wet, not just damp, but not dripping unless you squeeze it.
Place sock on swiffer or similar mop. I suggest doing it over the sink in case sock drips, and place it on so the bottom of the sock (what would normally be on the bottom of your foot) is on the bottom surface of the mop that will be on floor.
Now go to town mopping, and then marvel at your shiny floors!
It really works- see? Gross.
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